In 1947 two brothers, Hugo Torbard and Tage Torbard, founded Elektriska AB Eletta, the company known today as Eletta Flow AB. Initially the company, which was based in Stockholm, produced different kinds of electrical equipment. The electrical part of the business is still maintained by Eletta Automation. However, that company was sold in the mid 1990:s and is no longer a part of the Eletta Group.
Business developed well and Eletta gained customers in different industries. Some were machine builders such as Metso Paper (then Defibrator) while others produced e.g. transformers. These early customers of Eletta´s electrical equipment also showed an interest in controlling the flow in different applications such as the oil in transformers.
On their initiative Eletta started designing and producing flow monitors.
These early flow monitors proved successful and in the early 1950:s they were launched on the market. From a technical point of view the flow monitors were based on the differential pressure principle and equipped with an orifice plate. That basic design, although much improved, is still the foundation of more than 90 percent of the flow monitors produced by Eletta. One of the first models was called VB1 and was a part of a series called VC1 and VD1 respectively. In lthe 1960:s the V-series, which is still produced in large numbers, was launched. Over the years the range has been expanded with new materials, larger process connections and different out-put signals. The latest new model is the M-series launched in 2004. It makes use of the latest modern technology using a microprocessor, electronical pressure sensors and especially designed software to communicate. At the same it stays true to the differential pressure principle.